Are we or are not going to show up acne? Others say popping pimples will cause scars, but others say it does not cause.

Trying to squeeze pimples can cause infection, but can withstand view full blow in the face of a cat? Hands dirty and appeared in the wrong way can put you in a more serious problem to drive acne bacteria on the skin.

There is a proper way to pop corn and it is actually quite easy. You can not go wrong. If you dare to appear unsightly white noise, remember to follow safety precautions. Appear before your acne are things that you will method: clean, clean towels, disinfectant, astringent, pure natural gentle facial cleanser, 91% isopropyl alcohol, 100% cotton face pad or stainless steel Remover ball shin, aloe vera gel and ice .

Remember to wash hands and face with a mild cleanser. Use hot water (not boiling) water and antibacterial soap for at least 20 minutes to kill germs as well. Rinse and dry. For extra protection you can apply acne hard to ensure that no residue is left of germs and prevent infection.

Get a damp cloth and hot water and hit directly in the face, which is a way that you can open up the pores and acne can now easily pop and less painful. Repeat this procedure if the wash cloth cools. Rub your hands with cleaning and putting each fingertip of both index fingers on either side of the shin.

Squeeze gently, adding a little pressure and encourage others. If it does not pop, leave him and gently difficult. When the cat finally came clean immediately with a clean cotton ball or cotton swab and apply gentle pressure to appear, which is a sign that there is no grain and wild cats you have to stop and press cotton to stop the bleeding. Let dry and rinse again with a mild cleanser.

Apply nothing to cover the grain as aloe vera ointment or antibiotic ointment and leave it alone. Repeat periodically to throw down the ointment, if swollen apply cold compresses to the affected area for about 20-30 minutes.

You can also use stainless steel blackhead remover head looks black. By using a black head remover can apply pressure evenly on all sides. But remember to sterilize black head remover with isopropyl alcohol for at least 1 minute before using. You can also prick pimples with a sterile needle to open it by force. Also, be aware that some are not allergic to aloe vera gel, itching and rash are symptoms of an allergic reaction to it and you can try it for the first time in his wrist.

It is also important to use a cotton ball 100% cotton net to prevent cotton fibers stuck to the skin. If you see that the grain is getting worse, not significantly recover after a week you can ask a dermatologist to inject cortisone to relieve redness and swelling. Remember do not try to pop pimples cysts deep, difficult and painful that seen in people with severe acne. Should be treated by a dermatologist.

Finally, we have always reported not squeeze, squeeze or pop pimples, but we realize that it is not realistic to not react if you have a big smack-dab in the face. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask a dermatologist near you.
Acne and pimples can be a problem for a lot of bad people, especially teenagers equivalent pressure. May appear on the forehead, nose, chin, back, chest and anywhere on the body. Sometimes it can be difficult to prevent the development of this annoying problem, but you can learn how to get rid of blackheads and acne.

Causes of Blackheads

The first step to knowing how to get rid of blackheads and acne is knowing what caused the problem to begin with. Pop-ups in all parts of the body due to blockage of the skin and hair follicles, although the secretion of hormones also play a role in this condition. Stress, allergies, toxins accumulated in the body and metabolism may contribute to the development of blackheads. Improper disposal and treatment of acne can lead to infection, scarring, and an increase in acne flare.

What is acne?

A black spot itself is a big hole in the skin with a mass of blackened debris covering the opening. Debris could be from bacteria and sebum oil. Too much oil in the pores can be excessive, lie and get caught. As already hit oil blocked, even black. However, black spots are not always black, but sometimes it can appear yellowish. This is usually the first stage of acne and can be pimples or acne.

Squeezing pimples Why bad?

It is not uncommon for most people who want to squeeze pimples, acne or pimples, but there are many problems with this approach. Viscosity can cause more harm than good. It can push debris or pus in the hair over to remove, and cause infections, cysts star, inflammation and worsening of the condition. At this time developing cysts, which can only be treated by a doctor. If you think you have to tighten the black head, make sure to rinse the area before and clean up after. Just be careful to apply the lotion and oil squeeze pimples.

How to treat acne internally?

The best way to treat acne and acne is to maintain the cleanliness and cleansing the skin. Getting enough sleep, stress, diet and natural supplements can help treat the problem from the inside.

1. Water

Remove Acne begins with drinking enough water internally per day, at least 2 liters good for health and skin hydration. Water is not only a universal solvent for the skin, flush toxins from the body, promote good digestion and other parts of the body, which helps in the digestion of fat and other components dissolve in the body.

2. Diet

Focus on food, eat more vegetables, cereals rich in fiber, protein and grams as the main source of food daily use, including fresh fruit and fruit juices. Some of the best food choices include oranges, carrots, watermelon, salmon and apricot. Zinc supplements are important for fighting infection and inflammation, and can be obtained through foods such as meat, beans, meat, grains and nuts.

3. Supplement

In addition to highly nutritious food, other internal solution about how to remove blackheads is by some natural supplements and diet. They are intended to fight the toxins in your body that cause acne and blackheads. This is a great way not only to prevent and treat acne and pimples, but to promote and improve overall health. Vitamins and minerals are the best herbal remedies to remove blackheads. Echinacea and Oregon Grape are two herbs that are useful in strengthening the immune system and eliminate toxins.

Scientific research has found that a concentrated form of vitamin A can eliminate even the most severe forms of acne and blackheads. Vitamin A is very effective in treating this problem, especially in the form of recipes, but this is not required. You will, however, require the right amount for your body weight in particular. Careful use of high-dose supplements unless directed by your doctor to avoid toxicity. Other supplements are also effective in the treatment of blackheads interior such as zinc, vitamin B, magnesium, sulfur, chromium electrolyte.

How to treat acne out externally?

1. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid

Cleaning and resistance to acne and blackheads effectively, more scientific studies have shown the advantages of using salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Wash your skin with a solution placed in the hot mineral water. The solution works to prevent significant growth of bacteria that cause the problem. My only concern is that the peroxide can cause dry skin conditions when used in high doses. Salicylic acid appears to have fewer side effects. Removing dead skin cells to prevent the accumulation of cells and create oil and clog pores. Cleaning process works best when used in conjunction with a moisturizer and exfoliation treatments.

2. Important daily routine

It is important to cleanse your face twice a day, usually in the morning and at night before bed. Use a mild soap for the face, it also helps to gently remove makeup day. More frequent cleaning may strip the skin of essential oils also cause dry skin. An efficient process for treating acne is the use of the steam for a few minutes at a time to open the pores before cleaning. For the face, you can pour hot water into a bowl and lean over it with a towel over your head and the bowl while your skin benefits of steam. After cleaning your face as usual. This is a great process before going to bed at night. After cleaning, rinse the skin with cold water to close the pores and follow with a moisturizer with aloe vera. Aloe vera gel is an excellent solution which is gentle and non-irritating to the skin. He also works as an antibacterial that inhibits the growth of blackheads.

3. Moisturizer

Another option is a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Type of moisturizing oils and does not clog pores, like many other products, and work to soften and soothe acne prone skin. You can use this product freely. Some of these products are great and Cetaphil St Ives, L'Oreal, Aveeno, Neutrogena and more as directed by your doctor. To find approved moisturizer appropriate for your skin, read the label and make sure it says it is non-comedogenic and oil-free.

4. Scrubs, masks and the Clarisonic Mia

Another way on how to remove blackheads is to use skin and a mask to clear pores and reduce the appearance of their faces special. Her shrink pores, which helps block the further spread of acne and pimples. Choose a chemical-free mask to help remove dead skin cells, dirt and oil. Another major cleaning process using system Clarisonic Mia Sonic Skin Cleansing. Powered similar to a sonic toothbrush to clean the skin deeper and more effective than traditional cleaning the skin. The Clarisonic Mia system allows the use of a soft brush head that comes and goes on the skin to gently cleanse and stimulation. Skin looks and feels healthy. This process also helps the other products are more easily absorbed by the skin.

With proper care and maintenance of the internal cleaning of the skin on a regular basis, as described, be aware of any problems and acne breakouts. Eating the body with the right nutrients and supplements, getting plenty of water every day, and then the process of skin cleansing is the best remedy to combat blackheads and prevent relapse. Use the recommended topical products and moisturizers are formulated to keep the pores open and healthy treat and prevent pimples and acne problems.